


HEMOCAL LD 40 MG+20 MG+.25 MG 40 MG+20 MG+.25 MG 30 GM OINTMENT

Each gram ointment contains Calcium Dobesilate BP 40 mg, Lidocaine Hydrochloride USP 20 mg & Dexamethasone Acetate BP 0.25 mg.

Calcium Dobesilate acts on the capillary walls by regulating their impaired physiological functions-i.e. increased permeability and decreased resistance and on different signs of inflammation. It also has an antithrombotic activity. Lidocaine hydrochloride, a local anesthetic, contributes to relieve pain. Dexamethasone Acetate, a Corticosteroid for topical use, possesses anti-inflammatory and antipruritic actions.

Internal and external hemorrhoids, anal pruritus, anal eczema, anitis, perianitis, acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis and anal fissure. Pre and postoperative treatment in cases of hemorrhoidectomy. A long-lasting treatment is not indicated.

2 -3 times daily. Apply in the morning and bedtime and if possible after defecation. If the ointment is preferred, use the applicator by screwing it to the tube. Insert the applicator as deep as possible in the anus then press the tube gently while withdrawing it. In this case, the tube is sufficient for 8 applications. In case of external hemorrhoids or anal pruritus, apply a thin layer of the ointment several times a day. The duration of the treatment is generally of some days. The doctor must be informed if, after 1 to 2 weeks of treatment, the symptomatology has not improved or has worsened.

Hypersensitivity towards the components of Hemocal LD.

In case of renal insufficiency, Hemocal LD should not be used during longer periods. Avoid long-lasting treatments.

Very rare cases have been reported: Modifications of the intestinal transit, temporary burning sensation and local pain. Hypersensitivity reactions together with skin reactions and/or fever can occur. These reactions can be of allergic origin. In this case, the treatment must be discontinued.

Pregnancy category C It is not known whether Calcium Dobesilate crosses the placental barrier. On the other hand, after topical administration, Lidocaine Hydrochloride and Dexamethasone Acetate are resorbed in variable quantities and can have systemic effects. Moreover, both substances cross the placental barrier. In these conditions, Hemocal LD should be administered during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. After oral administration, Calcium Dobesilate is excreted in the maternal milk in low amounts but it is not known whether this is the case with local use. After topical administration, Lidocaine Hydrochloride and Dexamethasone Acetate are excreted in the maternal milk. As a precaution, it should be decided between discontinuating the treatment or the breast-feeding.

No data available

No overdosage information found yet.

Store in a cool (below 30° C) and dry place, away from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Each box contains a 30 g ointment tube and 8 applicators.